Stop Saying The SPUs Were Difficult To Program

一所懸命HWデザイナーのふりをやっとる現代のC++が大嫌いなSWの開発者。FPGAのGPUとレトロな家庭用ゲーム機を作ること、うちの猫(ニュートリノ+コスモス)、お箏の演奏、ゲーム開発、抹茶+和菓子がめっさ好きやねん。tweetsは私個人の意見で、会社を代表するものやない Rainy days always remind me of summers at my grandmother’s farm in the Catskills, spending lazy days floating on the lake, laptop in hand, pipelining SPU asm loops until there were no more empty slots in the schedule to fill. Those days were pretty great. But do you know what’s not so great? Journalists […]